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Registration to attend AMPHORAE IX is completely free, and we invite all postgraduate students at Honours, Masters or PhD level who research antiquity to attend. We are accepting papers in literature, archaeology, history, historiography, art or reception studies in the prehistoric, Egyptian, Near Eastern, Hellenic or Roman worlds. 


The deadline for the second call of papers will be Friday 5th June. Please note that numbers for the masterclass held by Dr. Jon Hall are limited and people will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.  


Abstract submissions of 100-200 words for papers of 20 minutes’ duration, as well as a brief biography and a completed registration form should be submitted by 9pm NZDT Friday 5 June to




Don’t worry, if you submit an abstract in the first call, you are free to change it at a later date, just re-submit a registration form and circle ‘updated’. If you would like to attend the conference but do not wish to present a paper, simply submit a registration form informing us of your attendance by the same date.


Please also note that the Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies (AWAWS) will again be hosting a special panel. You can no find out more information about the AWAWS panel on our NEWS page. Please submit your abstracts to by 5pm 29 May 2015 


The conference is free to attend, but there will be a charge of NZ$50 to attend the conference dinner on Friday 3  July, payable in cash at the registration desk on the first day of the conference. If you would like to attend the conference dinner please tick ‘yes’ on the registration form and tell us of any dietary requirements you may have. 



Presentations will be 20 minutes long each, followed by 10 minutes of question and answer time. We ask you to please adhere to these times strictly so that there is adequate time for comments and to help keep the panels running on schedule. 


All rooms will have access to a computer, projector and internet. If you have a powerpoint bring it along on a USB stick (it would be wise to also have it backed-up online via email, Dropbox, etc.)

Abstract Guidelines
Abstract submissions for papers should include the following:

-Presenter’s name
-Presenter’s University, department and position (PhD, MA or Honours student)
-Paper title
-Abstract of about 100-200 lines outlining your intended argument
-Short academic biography (eg. your institution(s), current research interests, etc.)


For Honours Students

Honours students are welcome to attend and present at AMPHORAE IX. However presenting a full paper is a significant time commitment, so we recommend you consult with your supervisor about it. If you are unable to present a full paper, why not consider a poster presentation.


Poster Presentations
AMPHORAE IX is also accepting submissions for poster presentations. If you are unable to commit to delivering a full 20 minute paper then why not display your research on a poster? Posters exhibiting your research should be A1 or A2 in size, and will be displayed in the Classics Library. You will not have to deliver a formal presentation, but please be prepared to talk briefly about your research in a casual session.

How to Register




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